

作者:张愉悦 日期:2015-03-23 点击:19133


  科学研究方向 重大疾病的转录调控





江苏省第五期“333高层次人才培养工程培养对象,江苏特聘教授。先后主持了国家自然科学基金、教育部新世纪优秀人才基金、江苏省杰出青年基金,杰出青年基金等科研项目。相关研究成果在CirculationCirc ResHepatologyNat CommunNucleic Acids Res等国际期刊发表研究论文或特邀综述100余篇,累计影响因子超过500


1999.9-2004.9    波士顿大学医学院,博士

2004.10-2007.9  波士顿大学医学院,博士后

2007.10-至今      美高梅娱乐病理生理学系,教授





1. HIC1调控CIITA转录机制研究及其在B细胞分化中的意义(2013-2016)国家自然科学基金面上项目(3127080580万元

2. 蛋白质翻译后修饰与心血管系统病理生理学(2012-2014教育部新世纪优秀人才基金DG216D5049 50万元

3. 重大疾病过程中的转录调控(2012-2015)江苏省杰出青年基金(BK2012043100万元

4. Brg1调控血管内皮细胞稳态的机制研究(2014-2017江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目(江苏省教育厅)14KJA31000115万元

5. Brg1调控血管内皮细胞稳态的机制及其在心肌肥大中的作用研究(2015-2017)国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目(91439106100万元

6. H3K9甲基转移酶SUV39H1调控血管平滑肌表型转化的表观遗传机制研究(2013-2016)国家自然科学基金面上项目(8167022393万元

7. 心血管系统稳态失衡的转录调控(2018-2022国家杰出青年科学基金81725001 350万元


1. Yu L, Yang G, Weng X, Liang P, Li L, Li J, Fan Z, Tian W, Wu X, Xu H, Fang M, Ji Y, Li Y, Chen Q, Xu Y*.Histone Methyltransferase SET1 Mediates Angiotensin II-Induced Endothelin-1 Transcription and Cardiac Hypertrophy in Mice.ArteriosclerThrombVasc Biol. 2015 May;35(5):1207-17.

2. Weng X, Yu L, Liang P, Li L, Dai X, Zhou B, Wu X, Xu H, Fang M, Chen Q, Xu Y*. A crosstalk between chromatin remodeling and histone H3K4 methyltransferase complexes in endothelial cells regulates angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 May;82:48-58.

3. Chen D, Yang Y, Cheng X, Fang F, Xu G, Yuan Z, Xia J, Kong H, Xie W, Wang H, Fang M, Gao Y, Xu Y*. Megakaryocytic leukemia 1 directs a histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase complex to regulate hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Hypertension. 2015 Apr; 65(4): 821-33.

4. Weng X, Yu L, Liang P, Chen D, Cheng X, Yang Y, Li L, Zhang T, Zhou B, Wu X, Xu H, Fang M, Gao Y, Chen Q, Xu Y*.Endothelial MRTF-A mediates angiotensin II induced cardiac hypertrophy. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 Mar;80:23-33. doi: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2014.11.009.

5. Xu H, Wu X, Qin H, Tian W, Chen J, Sun L, Fang M, Xu Y*.Myocardin-Related Transcription Factor A Epigenetically Regulates Renal Fibrosis in Diabetic Nephropathy. J Am SocNephrol. 2015 Jul;26(7):1648-60.

6. Tian W, Hao C, Fan Z, Weng X, Qin H, Wu X, Fang M, Chen Q, Shen A, Xu Y*. Myocardin related transcription factor A programs epigenetic activation of hepatic stellate cells. J Hepatol. 2015 Jan;62(1):165-74.

7. Fang MM, Fan ZW, Tian WF, Zhao YH, Li P, Xu HH, Zhou BS, Zhang LP, Wu XY, Xu Y*: HDAC4 mediates IFN- induced disruption of energy expenditure-related gene expression by repressing SIRT1 transcription in skeletal muscle cells. BBA-Gene Regul Mech. 2016 Feb 2; 1859(2): 294-305.

8. Tian WF, Fan ZW, Li JF, Hao CZ, Li M, Xu HH, Wu XY, Zhou BS, Zhang LP, Fang MM, Xu Y*: Myocardin-related transcription factor A (MRTF-A) plays an essential role in hepatic stellate cell activation by epigenetically modulating TGF-β signaling. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2016 Feb; 71(2):35-43.

9. Fan ZW, Kong XC, Xia J, Wu XY, Li H, Xu HH, Fang MM, Xu Y*: The arginine methyltransferase PRMT5 regulates CIITA-dependent MHC II transcription. BBA-Gene Regul Mech. 2016 May 2; 1859(5): 687-96.

10. Zhou BS, Zeng S, Li LY, Fan ZW, Tian WF, Li M, Xu HH, Wu XY, Fang MM, Xu Y*: Angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1 (Aggf1) regulates liver fibrosis by modulating TGF- signaling. BBA-Mol Basis Dis. 2016 June 2; 1862(6): 1203-13.

11. Sun LN, Fan ZW Chen JL, Tian WF, Li M, Xu HH, Wu XY, Shao J, Bian YY, Fang MM, Xu Y*: Transcriptional repression of SIRT1 by protein inhibitor of activated STAT 4 (PIAS4) in hepatic stellate cells contributes to liver fibrosis. Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 21;6:28432.

12. Sun LN, Fan ZW, Chen JL, Tian WF, Li M, Xu HH, Wu XY, Fang MM, Xia J, Xu Y*: Protein inhibitor of activated STAT 4 (PIAS4) regulates pro-inflammatory transcription in hepatocyte by repressing SIRT1. Oncotarget. 2016 July 12; 7(28): 42892-903.

13. Xu HH, Fan ZW, Tian WF, Xu Y*: Protein inhibitor of activated STAT 4 (PIAS4) regulates liver fibrosis through modulating SMAD3 activity. J Biomed Res. Dec 1; 30(6): 496-501.

14. Zeng S, Yang YY, Cheng X, Zhou BS, Li P, Zhao YH, Kong XC, Xu Y*: HIC1 epigenetically represses CIITA transcription in B lymphocytes. BBA-Gene Regul Mech. Dec 2; 1859(12): 1841-9.

15. Guang Yang, XinyuWeng, Yuhao Zhao, Xinjian Zhang, Yuanping Hu, Xin Dai, Peng Liang, PengWang,LeiLei Ma, Xiaolei Sun, Lei Hou, HuihuiXu, Mingming Fang, Yuehua Li, Thomas Jenuwein, Yong Xu*&Aijun Sun*The histone H3K9 methyltransferase SUV39H linksSIRT1 repression to myocardial infarction.Nat Commun.2017 Mar 31;8:14941

16. Fan ZLi LLi MZhang XHao CYu LZeng SXu HFang MShen AJenuwein TXu Y*. The histone methyltransferase Suv39h2 contributes to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice. Hepatology. 2017; 65(6):1904-1919. 

17. Fan ZLi ZYang YLiu SGuo J, Xu Y*. HIF-1α coordinates epigenetic activation of SIAH1 in hepatocytes in response to nutritional stress. Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech. 2017; 1860(10):1037-1046.

18. Yu LFang FDai XXu HQi XFang MXu Y*. MKL1 defines the H3K4Me3 landscape for NF-κB dependent inflammatory response. Sci Rep. 2017; 7(1):191.

19. Song MFang FDai XYu LFang MXu Y*. MKL is an epigenetic mediator of TNF-α-induced proinflammatory transcription in macrophages by interacting with ASH2. FEBS Lett. 2017; 591(6):934-945.

20. Yang GZhang XWeng XLiang PDai XZeng SXu HHuan HFang MLi YXu DXu Y*. SUV39H1 mediated SIRT1 trans-repression contributes to cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury. Basic Res Cardiol. 2017; 112(3):22.

21. Liming YGuang YXinjian ZPeng WXinyu WYuyu YZilong LMingming FXu Y* ,Aijun S*, Junbo G*.Megakaryocytic Leukemia 1 Bridges Epigenetic Activation of NADPH Oxidase in Macrophages to Cardiac Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury.Circulation. 2018;138(24): 2820-2836.

22. Zhang X, Liu S, Weng X, Zeng S, Yu L, Guo J, Xu Y*. Brg1 deficiency in vascular endothelial cells blocks neutrophil recruitment and ameliorates cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice.Int J Cardiol. 2018 Oct 15;269:250-258.

23. Li Z, Chen B, Dong W, Xu W, Song M, Fang M, Guo J, Xu Y*. Epigenetic activation of PERP transcription by MKL1 contributes to ROS-induced apoptosis in skeletal muscle cells.BiochimBiophysActa Gene Regul Mech. 2018 Jul 27. pii: S1874-9399(18)30177-9.

24. Li Z, Zhang X, Liu S, Zeng S, Yu L, Yang G, Guo J, Xu Y*. BRG1 regulates NOX gene transcription in endothelial cells and contributes to cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury.BiochimBiophysActaMol Basis Dis. 2018 Oct;1864(10):3477-3486.

25.  Chen B, Li Z, Feng Y, Wu X, Xu Y*.Myocardin-related transcription factor A (MRTF-A) mediates doxorubicin-induced PERP transcription in colon cancer cells.BiochemBiophys Res Commun. 2018 Sep 10;503(3):1732-1739.

26. Li N, Kong M, Zeng S, Xu Z, Li M, Hong W, Chu X, Sun X, Zhu M, Xu Y*. The chromatin remodeling protein BRG1 regulates APAP-induced liver injury by modulating CYP3A11 transcription in hepatocyte.BiochimBiophysActaMol Basis Dis. 2018 Oct;1864(10):3487-3495.

27. Shao J, Weng X, Zhuo L, Yu L, Li Z, Shen K, Xu W, Fang M, Xu Y*. Angiotensin II induced CSF1 transcription is mediated by a crosstalk between different epigenetic factors in vascular endothelial cells.BiochimBiophysActa Gene Regul Mech. 2018 Oct 12;1862(1):1-11.

28. Zhang X, Liu S, Weng X, Wu T, Yu L, Xu Y*, Guo J. Brg1 trans-activates endothelium-derived colony stimulating factor to promote calcium chloride induced abdominal aortic aneurysm in mice. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2018 Oct 16;125:6-17.

29. Li N, Kong M, ZengS, Hao C, Li M, Li L, Xu Z, Zhu M, Xu Y*. Brahma related gene 1 (Brg1) contributes to liver regeneration by epigenetically activating the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in mice.FASEB J. 2019 Jan;33(1):327-338

30. Liu L, Mao L, Wu X, Wu T, Liu W, Yang Y, Zhang T, Xu Y*.BRG1 regulates endothelial-derived IL-33 to promote ischemia-reperfusion induced renal injury and fibrosis in mice.BiochimBiophysActaMol BasisDis. 2019 Sep 1;1865(9):2551-2561.

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